Event Safety Alliance

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Episode 31: Event Security Survey

Attention security professionals! In this episode of The Event Safety Podcast, Danielle and Steve chat with University Instructor & Ph. D. Candidate Dede Hamm on research she’s conducting into the beliefs of event security workers, and how you can participate in the project.

Check out the show notes for requirements and survey link.

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Episode 31: Event Security Survey Event Safety Alliance

About This Research:

My name is Dede Hamm and I am a Ph.D. candidate at Iowa State University working on my dissertation about validating an event security workers belief scale. The study will be the first to identify the people working in event security as well as discover why they are motivated to do the job. We are looking for security workers 18 years or older to participate in the survey and hope you could share this email with members of your staff to help us to recruit participants. We also welcome you and your leadership team to participate as we are hoping to get anyone who works in event security to participate.

Participation is completely anonymous and any identifying information will be deleted before we analyze the results. Eligible participants who complete the survey can enter their name in a random drawing to win one of five $50 Amazon cards.

Would you be interested in helping? The survey should not take your staff more than 10 minutes to complete. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Dede Hamm, Ph.D. Candidate (principal researcher)
Joan Su, Ph.D. (supervising faculty)

Survey Link: https://iastate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3HQefEM8ypM9RoV